Jack F.

Becoming a father was something that I’ve always wanted to be for as long as I can remember. I know that isn’t the “norm” for a lot of men out there but it was for me. So when my wife asked me if I’d be cool with having a home water birth I was super excited about it because I knew that I’d play a major role in bringing our daughter into the world. I wanted to be there for every single part of the process and do everything possible to help. Then she asked if we could document the experience and hire a photographer. Of course I said yes. We met with Dana and instantly felt a connection and super comfortable because Dana herself had experienced a home birth. When the big day arrived on February 11 2018 and my wife’s water broke at 7am Dana was the first one to arrive at our house instantly giving us help and support along with capturing moments that often get forgotten in the chaos of having a baby. Throughout the 15+ hours of labor and delivery and even further into the night and early morning Dana was there for every second capturing special moments that we as a family will pass on to our daughter and enjoy for a lifetime to come. The images and video she took move me. They remind me of how strong my wife is for doing what she did and how truly special the experience was to go through. If you, as an expecting father, are second-guessing if you need someone there to document something like this... Don’t. It’s worth every single penny. The images she captured are priceless and, besides making the choice to actually have a baby, making the choice to have Dana document it was one of the best moves we, as a family, ever made.

— Jack Fechter | St. Louis, MO